Rep. Michael K. Simpson, U.S. Representative for Idaho's 2nd District | Congressman Michael K. Simpson Official Website
Rep. Michael K. Simpson, U.S. Representative for Idaho's 2nd District | Congressman Michael K. Simpson Official Website
Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson has voiced strong opposition to the Bureau of Land Management's (BLM) decision regarding the Lava Ridge Wind Project. In a statement released today, Simpson criticized the BLM's Final Record of Decision, asserting that it disregards the values and needs of Idaho residents.
"From the beginning, I have made it abundantly clear that the Lava Ridge Wind Project is completely out of touch with the values and needs of our state," said Rep. Simpson. "Despite having near-unanimous opposition in Idaho, the Biden Administration and the Bureau of Land Management have continued to ignore Idahoans concerns."
Simpson has taken several actions to halt progress on this project. He recently included language in the FY25 Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act to block the project's final Environmental Impact Statement. This measure passed in the House last September.
Additionally, Simpson has attempted to delay or stop the project by authoring legislation that required the Department of the Interior to seek feedback from stakeholders on alternative plans before proceeding with Lava Ridge. However, he noted that these requirements were not met by the Department.
Simpson also raised questions with BLM Director Tracy Stone-Manning about whether renewable energy initiatives should outweigh impacts on species and cultural sites in Magic Valley, Idaho. Furthermore, he collaborated with other members of Congress from Idaho to introduce legislation aimed at preventing wind or solar projects on public lands if disapproved by state legislatures.
A joint letter expressing concerns about Lava Ridge was sent by Simpson, along with Governor Brad Little, Lt. Governor Scott Bedke, and other members of Idaho's congressional delegation to the BLM's Idaho State Director.